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News & Events

A new therapy stream targeting visions (“visual hallucinations”) has started!

Perth Voices Clinic is now offering an imagery-focused therapy targeting distressing and/or intrusive visions (or “visual hallucinations”), aiming to reduce their occurrence and the distress accompanying them. This treatment approach mostly works with mental imagery,…

Workshop: Working with trauma (using Imagery Rescripting) in people with psychosis or hearing voices

Dr Georgie Paulik-White (clinical psychologist & Clinical Director, Perth Voices Clinic) is running a live and interactive online workshop on treating trauma in people with psychosis and/or voices on Monday 19th Feb 2024. About this…

Happy World Hearing Voices Day 2020!

Happy World Hearing Voices Day!!! To help reduce stigma around this common human experience, we have prepared a “Myths and Facts about Hearing Voices” poster . Anyone is welcome to use and share this poster…

Georgie (Clinical Director of Perth Voices Clinic) talks about hearing voices on Insight (SBS TV program)

The Insight episode on Hearing Voices (episode 28) explores what it is like to hear voices, who experiences them, some common reasons why people hear them and helpful treatments. The episode is available on SBS…

Perth Voices Clinic publishes text book in psychosis!

Johanna Badcock (Research Director) and Georgie Paulik (Clinical Director) are thrilled to announce that their Elsevier text book titled “A Clinical Introduction to Psychosis: Foundations for Clinical Psychologists and Neuropsychologists” has been published. To purchase…


Perth Voices Clinic runs training workshops throughout the year.

Contact Georgie for further information:
Phone: 0477 453 264

Dr Georgie Paulik-White has run over 60 workshops to tertiary and mental health services in the fields of psychosis, voice hearing, trauma, and related therapies. While Perth Voices Clinic runs or hosts workshops sporadically (which will be advertised on this page), Georgie can be contacted to run workshop(s) tailored to the needs of your service and staff, and she can travel interstate to deliver these workshops if needed. Georgie has trained both new teams (included early psychosis and Ultra-High Risk services), and provided advanced training for more established and experienced teams. All workshops include videos, case illustrations, demonstrations and role plays to help develop and fine tune clinical skills. The content of the workshops could include (but not limited to) the following topics:

  • Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) for psychosis / voices
  • Mindfulness (or MBCT) for psychosis / voices
  • Imagery Rescripting for trauma in people with voices / psychosis
  • Schema Therapy for voices
  • Relating Therapy for voices
  • Working with families
  • Understanding and assessing psychosis / voices
  • Clinical formulations
  • How to deliver psychoeducation
  • Addressing the impact of stigma
  • The Diathesis Stress Model
  • Identifying & overcoming barriers to engagement
  • Managing and assessing risk
  • Trauma and psychosis / voices
  • How to assess and treat trauma safely and effectively in psychosis
  • Imagery Rescripting of suicidal mental imagery


Georgie’s biography:

I regard myself as a research-practitioner. I am passionate about working in psychosis, and more specifically, with people who voice hearers. I believe that research must guide my clinical decisions in therapy, and likewise the experiences my clients teach me about help to inform the direction of my research. I completed my PhD in voice hearing from the University of Western Australia in 2007 and have produced 24 peer reviewed publications and an Elsevier textbook on psychosis in the field of voice hearing and psychosis. I have worked in UHR and early psychosis, in both Sydney and Perth, and was the team leader of the early psychosis team in PaRK. I opened Perth Voices Clinic (which I am the Clinical Director of) in 2016 at Murdoch University and Midland Headspace. I helped lead the development of a novel intervention for voice hearers named Cognitive Behaviour Relating Therapy alongside my colleagues in the UK (including Dr Mark Hayward, Sussex University). I am also interested on the role of trauma in voice hearing and the impact of psychological interventions for trauma on voice hearing, and have been conducting a trial of a trauma intervention called Imagery Rescripting together with Prof Arnoud Arntz (Netherlands), Prof Craig Steel (UK) and Peter McEvoy (WA), and Schema Therapy, together with Prof Chris Lee (WA) and Prof Arntz (NL). I regularly run workshops on a range of topics relating to psychosis, voice hearing, trauma, and associated therapies. This training is tailored to the needs of the mental health service or university.