Resources For Voice Hearers and Carers



  • Hearing Voices Network Western Australia (HVNWA) 

    A Richmond Wellbeing program that is part of the global Hearing Voices Movement. HVNWA is a resource for people living in Western Australia who hear voices and experience other unusual perceptions, offering a place for the voice-hearing community to access relevant information, training, and hearing voices support groups.

  • Voice Hearers of Australia 

    A website devoted to linking voice hearers across Australia and tracking the progress of the Australian Hearing Voices Establishment Project (AVHEP), an initiative investigating the possibility of establishing a national Hearing Voices Organization in Australia.

  • The Voices Clinic 

    A specialist psychological treatment and research clinic in Melbourne for people who hear voices or have similar experiences

  • Intervoice (International Hearing Voices Project) 

    A charity in the UK that supports the International Hearing Voices Movement by connecting people, sharing ideas, distributing information, highlighting innovative initiatives, encouraging high quality respectful research and promoting its values across the world.

  • SANE Australia 

    A national charity helping all Australians affected by mental illness. Type “voices” into the search bar to access a number of self-help resources, information and personal stories.

  • The National Empowerment Center 

    An organization run by people who have recovered from major mental illness. Their mission is to change the mental health system so that it truly supports recovery.  Their website provides lots of FREE info! You can also order stuff from their online store, including the useful booklet Coping with Voices:  Self help strategies for people who hear voices that are distressing, by Patricia E. Deegan, Ph.D., illustrated By Carolyn Affa

  • Compassion for Voices 

    A website to support and promote compassionate approaches to voices and other experiences.

  • The Black Dog Institute 

    Is a translational research institute that aims to reduce the incidence of mental illness and the stigma around it, to actively reduce suicide rates and empower everyone to live the most mentally healthy lives possible





In Case of Distress

  • Mental Health Emergency Response Line: 

    Metro: 1300 555 788  Peel: 1800 676 822

    For anyone involved in a mental health emergency in the community, from Two Rocks in the North to Peel and Waroona in the South. Available 24 hours, 7 days a week.

  • Lifeline 

    13 11 14

    A national charity providing all Australians experiencing a personal crisis with access to 24 hour crisis support and suicide prevention services.

  • Suicide Call Back Service 

    1300 659 467

    Provides free phone and video counselling 24 hours a day, 7 days a week for anyone affected by suicide

  • Rural Link 

    1800 522 002

    A specialist after hours’ mental health telephone service for people in rural communities of Western Australia.

  • Beyondblue: 

    1300 224 636

    Provides information and support to help everyone in Australia achieve their best possible mental health, whatever their age and wherever they live.

  • The Samaritans Crisis Line 

    13 52 47

    24/7 crisis support line for adults, youth, and non-English speaking callers and callers with hearing or speech impairments

  • Men's Line Australia 

    1300 789 978

    Support for Australian men, anywhere, anytime

  • HealthDirect 

    1800 022 222

    General health information and advice

  • Headspace 

    1800 650 890

    Provides early intervention mental health services to 12-25 year olds, along with assistance in promoting young peoples’ wellbeing

  • Kids Helpline 

    1800 551 800 (5 to 25 year olds) or 1800 654 432 (parents)

    Provide help for young Australian’s to express themselves, build confidence and live safely. Kids can chat with our qualified counsellors FREE 24/7.

  • Youth beyondblue 

    1300 224 636

    beyondblue’s dedicated site for youth (12-25 years old). Information, resources and support for young people dealing with depression and/or anxiety

  • Alcohol and Drug Support Line 

    Metro: 08 9442 5000 Country: 1800 198 024

    A confidential, non-judgmental telephone counselling, information and referral service for anyone seeking help for their own or another person’s alcohol or drug use.

Disclaimer – Every effort has been made to provide accurate information. However, we are not endorsing the veracity of information provided in the resource page.

Many thanks to Gemma Leeson for helping produce the content for this page.