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Our Research

What we provide

The Perth Voices Clinic supports research into voice hearing (and related) experiences, including routine evaluation of the effectiveness of the psychological interventions provided at the clinic. Individuals attending the clinic will have the option to join us in improving our services for all voice hearers, including adding their name to a research registry so that they can choose to be involved in future research projects. Professor Johanna Badcock is the Research Director to the Perth Voices Clinic and has published extensively in the field of voices, perception and cognition (see below for a brief biography).

Ass. Professor Georgie Paulik-White

Clinical Director, Clinical and Research Psychologist

I am a research-practitioner who is passionate about working with people with psychosis and those who hear voices. I believe that research must guide my clinical decisions in therapy, and likewise that the experiences my clients teach me about help to inform my research. I completed my PhD in voice hearing from the University of Western Australia in 2007 and have produced 36 peer reviewed publications and a textbook in the field of voice hearing and psychosis. I have worked in UHR and early psychosis, in both Sydney and Perth, and have been team leader of early psychosis programs. I also developed a novel intervention for voice hearers named Cognitive Behaviour Relating Therapy alongside colleagues in the UK (including Dr Mark Hayward, Sussex University). In 2016 I opened Perth Voices Clinic, at Murdoch University and Midland Headspace, to improve services and training of mental health professionals working with voice hearers. I am passionate about exploring the role of trauma in voice hearing and the impact of psychological interventions for trauma on voice hearing, and have ongoing collaborations on trauma interventions, including Imagery Rescripting, with Prof Arnoud Arntz (Netherlands), Prof. Craig Steel (UK) and Prof. Peter McEvoy (WA), and Schema Therapy, with Prof. Chris Lee, Dr Caitlin Reddyhough (WA) and Prof. Arntz (NL). I also helped set up the Hearing Voices Network in both WA and NSW.
To see publications & projects, visit my ResearchGate profile:

Dr Caitlin Reddyhough

Clinical & Research Psychologist in Residence

I am a clinical and research psychologist with a strong interest in voice hearing, psychosis, and trauma. I am passionate about trying to reduce the stigma that surrounds all experiences of mental health and particularly voice hearing. Stigma has been shown to be the number one barrier to treatment for all mental health conditions and many voice hearers describe experiences of discrimination and marginalisation. My doctorate research focused on developing interventions to reduce the stigma surrounding voice hearing, with the hopes of improving quality of lives for people who hear voices. In addition, I also have experience working in public hospital settings across Perth where I am passionate about advocating for trauma-informed care.
To see publications & projects, visit my ResearchGate profile:

Consumer Research Reports

We conduct research at Perth Voices Clinic into an array of voices-related topics. We want to ensure that this research is made accessible by consumers, carers and the mental health community. We have prepared brief one-page lay summaries of some of our recent research for your information. To access the summary, please click on the pdf document icon next to the title. We hope you find them interesting and informative! We are happy to receive feedback on anything you read (email:

Participate In Voices Related Research

If you would like to participate in voices related research or would like to find out more information, please see the Perth Voices Research and Evaluation Participant Registry Information and Consent forms below. The consent form can be completed and returned via post or in person to the mailing address below.

Registry Information   Consent Form